Jersey City Dog Bite Lawyer
Each year in the United States, more than 4.5 million people suffer dog bites. Although dogs are known as man’s best friend, they can be unpredictable and act aggressively. Their powerful jaws and intelligence often make them very dangerous to people of all ages. In some instances, the bites can be fatal.
If you have been bitten by someone else’s dog, you may have the right to file for damages. You shouldn’t have to deal with medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering on your own when the attack wasn’t your fault.
To have the best chance at getting the compensation you deserve, it’s vital that you turn to Jersey City dog bite lawyers. At Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq, we are here to guide you through the entire process involved in a personal injury claim.
Common Dog Attack Injuries
Dog bites can range in severity, depending on the type of dog, its size, and many other factors. In the United States, an estimated 368,245 people end up in the emergency room every year because of dog bites. Most of those who suffer injuries are children because they don’t know not to approach strange dogs.
Some of the most common injuries people suffer as a result of a dog bite are hand, arm, and leg injuries. Most people react to a dog bite by putting their hands out in front of them to protect their faces. The dog might then grab onto the hands and arms and refuse to let go.
Some people only receive abrasions from a dog bite. This means that the bite didn’t go past the top layer of skin. There may not be a lot of bleeding, but there can still be the risk of scarring.
The powerful jaws most dogs have can quickly lead their teeth to puncture skin and muscle, even reaching the bone in some instances. These bites can tear into tendons and ligaments, destroying tissue and potentially causing lasting damage.
Lacerations and scarring are serious concerns with dog bites. They often require stitches and bandages and may even result in the need for surgical procedures. The scarring can come from the bite itself or from the surgical incisions needed to treat the wound.
Because of the size of a dog’s teeth, you can end up with deep puncture wounds. These increase your chances of getting an infection. The deeper the bite is, the deeper any bacteria can reach.
If a dog bite becomes infected, you can experience swelling, heat, redness, and pain. One out of every five dog bites becomes infected.
Avulsions can also occur from a dog bite. Avulsions involve the tearing away of tissue. For example, if a dog rips your ear off, that is an avulsion. Because of the severity of the injury, people who suffer avulsions often have to resort to plastic surgery.
Dog bites can also, unfortunately, affect your face. This is a particular concern if you know the dog since you’re more likely to get closer than you would with a dog you don’t know. Disfigurement can occur in these circumstances.
Bites can also cause disabilities. If a dog bites in a spot that severs a limb or damages your eyes, you can end up dealing with a long-term issue that affects you for the rest of your life.
Nerve damage issues of varying severity are common with dog injuries. Nerves can be stretched, compressed, or even severed. Nerve damage can be permanent and may require long-term treatments that include surgery and physical therapy. One of the issues with nerve damage is that it can lead to chronic pain or loss of sensation.
Dog bites can also cause damage to venous structures like arteries and veins. The bite can puncture blood vessels, leading to blood loss. These kinds of injuries also have the potential to result in life-threatening complications, like blood clots. Death can also occur from a dog bite. If a dog bites you on the neck, the trauma and blood loss can be fatal.
Although they’re not visible, emotional injuries can also be severe. People who experience dog bites often have to deal with phobias, with many not just fearing dogs but all kinds of animals. PTSD is also common, with people reliving the attack and experiencing anxiety and depression. An attorney in Jersey City could account for all injuries in a claim for compensation after a dog bite.
Strict Liability for Dog Bites
New Jersey follows strict liability law when it comes to dog bites. This means that the dog’s owner is liable for all the damages you claim as long as you didn’t provoke the dog and you were on public property or legally on private property.
Strict liability laws apply even if the dog has never attacked anyone before. As the victim, you don’t have to prove the owner was negligent or willfully caused you harm.
Keep in mind that if you were trespassing on the property, your injury wasn’t a direct result of the dog bite, or if the defendant doesn’t own the dog, you likely don’t have a valid lawsuit under New Jersey law.
There are exceptions, however. If the victim was trespassing without criminal intent, the defendant may have to pay some damages, but not all of them.
Another potentially complicated scenario is if the victim, who was on the property legally, stepped on the dog or otherwise caused the animal harm without meaning to. In this case, the court or jury could find the dog’s owner partially at fault.
The complexity of dog bite cases makes it vital that you reach out to dog bite lawyers in Jersey City for representation.
If you choose to file a claim for a dog bite using the strict liability law, you can get help paying for medical bills. These can include hospital stays, physical therapy, and equipment you may need for mobility if the injury results in any kind of disability.
For people who experienced emotional trauma, therapy might also be a necessity. A successful personal injury claim could cover these bills as well.
It’s important to know that many injuries that result from dog bites can require taking time off work to get treatment. This can mean losing wages. A personal injury claim can help you get reimbursement for those lost wages.
Most people focus on economic damages when they think about compensation, but there are non-economic damages that apply, too.
Going through this kind of traumatic experience can cause pain and suffering. It’s difficult to put a price on the pain you’ve dealt with, but there are ways the law can calculate fair compensation.
The kind of compensation you receive will depend on many factors, including the severity of the injuries as well as the age of the victim.
For example, a child who received a disfiguring injury will usually get a larger compensation than an adult who received a few minor cuts. This increased compensation is because the child will have to live with the injury for longer.
Liability for Other Dog Attack Injuries
The dog’s attack could have led to injuries that go beyond what a dog bite would cause. A large dog could easily knock you down, leading to broken bones and even traumatic brain injuries. A dog doesn’t need to bite to cause significant harm.
Strict liability law, when speaking about dog bites, deals mainly with the injuries that occur from a bite. Although it’s possible to file for damages that resulted from other injuries the dog attack caused, getting compensation isn’t always straightforward.
For most people, the best option in these cases is to prove that the dog’s owner was negligent in controlling or restraining the dog. Ways to do this include showing evidence that the owner didn’t keep the dog leashed while in public or that they didn’t keep the animal restrained by a fence.
This type of claim also requires that you prove the owner knew about the dog’s aggression and did nothing to prevent further issues. You will need evidence that shows the owner understood the dog was dangerous and had behaved aggressively before.
You should also keep in mind that sometimes, the dog’s owner may not have been the one holding it or in charge of it at the time of the attack.
If you were bitten and believe the attack occurred because the dog’s handler or the owner of the private property where the attack occurred was negligent, you may be able to file a negligence-based claim against that person. However, this type of scenario is complex, and you need experienced lawyers to help you.
Why Hire an Attorney from GGL After a Dog Bite in Jersey City?
Going through a dog attack that resulted in bites and other injuries can be stressful and traumatizing. You may be entitled to compensation for the injuries and trauma you have suffered, but the best way of getting reimbursement is to turn to experienced lawyers for help.
At GGL, we have over 30 years of experience representing people who have suffered because of someone else’s negligence. We represent people of all ages and cater to the English and Spanish-speaking communities in Jersey City.
We are here to level the playing field between insurance companies and people who are struggling with injuries and other damages. When you turn to GGL, you know you’re getting people who will fight for your rights. To maximize your chances of succeeding in your claim, we prepare each case for trial.
It’s common for people to think of personal injury law firms as impersonal, but that’s not our firm. We always have a people-first approach. We’re approachable and communicative, ready to offer guidance and answers to your questions.
Because we know how tough it is to wait around for a decision on your claim, we keep all of our clients in the loop. If you have questions, we’re here to answer them in a timely manner. With us, you’ll never feel like you’re on your own through this process.
Our commitment is to win, and we never under-settle a case. If you turn to us for your dog bite case, you don’t have to worry about getting a cookie-cutter defense. With us, you will get the individualized support you need, which can help you attain the fairest results.
If you’ve been dealing with injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering that were a direct result of a dog bite, you don’t have to struggle with medical bills, disabilities, and other challenges on your own. Turn to Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq to get some of the most experienced Jersey City dog bite lawyers on your side. Contact GGL today.