Camp Lejeune Lawsuit


It’s a tragedy that our armed forces and civilians have suffered due to contaminated water at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina. But the good news is that those who were negatively impacted by Camp LeJeune’s poisonous water are eligible for compensation for their injuries and losses.

At Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq, we have successfully represented many individuals affected by Camp LeJeune’s toxic water contamination. Our firm has the experience needed to fight hard for you and get results when it comes to recovering damages from personal injury losses.

We will stand up and be your voice against injustice, so don’t hesitate to call us if you need legal representation or advice about a potential case related to Camp LeJeune’s water contamination. Together, we can ensure you get the justice and financial compensation that you deserve with a Camp Lejeune lawsuit. Reach out to us today for more information. Our mass torts attorneys are here to help.

History Of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

In the 1980s, tests revealed that the groundwater at Camp Lejeune had been contaminated with hazardous chemicals since at least 1953. The two primary sources of contamination were two dry cleaning businesses on the base and a fuel storage tank farm containing leaking underground storage tanks (USTs). The USTs contained solvents, degreasers, gasoline, and other contaminants. These contaminants seeped into the soil and then infiltrated into the water aquifers beneath Camp Lejeune.

From 1957 to 1987, drinking water present in wells located near these sources was contaminated with toxic compounds such as trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), both of which are classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as known human carcinogens. In addition, the drinking water contained benzene, vinyl chloride, and other contaminants.

For years after the contamination was discovered, affected veterans and their families fought for recognition of their illnesses stemming from exposure to these hazardous chemicals. Finally, in 2012, former President Obama signed a law that recognized diseases associated with Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water and provides health care coverage for those who were exposed during service at Camp Lejeune between August 1953 and December 1987.

The law covers 15 conditions including certain types of cancer, kidney disease, infertility issues, and more. Through this legislation, Congress acknowledged the injustice done to those who served at Camp Lejeune due to the inexcusable environmental disaster.

Today, the Department of Veteran Affairs is working with the Marine Corps to ensure affected veterans and their families receive the care they need and deserve. Although the water contamination at Camp Lejeune occurred decades ago, its legacy still impacts many today. Despite this tragedy, steps have been taken to recognize those who were harmed by this environmental disaster and provide them with healthcare coverage for conditions that may be associated with their service at Camp Lejeune.

This recognition and compensation allow veterans to get the treatment they need while paying tribute to all those who served our nation in uniform. The long struggle to gain awareness of illnesses associated with chemical exposure in Camp Lejeune proves that we must never forget those who are sacrificing for us even when they cannot speak for themselves. Despite this tragedy, we can take hope in the fact that justice is sometimes served.

That is the story of the water contamination in Camp Lejeune. It has been a long, hard journey, but it shows that our nation’s veterans can finally receive justice and recognition for their service and its impact on their health. And in doing so, we remember those who gave their all to serve our country.

We may never be able to undo the damage done by the water contamination at Camp Lejeune, but we must continue honoring those affected and ensuring they have access to quality healthcare and compensation through a lawsuit. That is our duty as citizens of this great nation.

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Effects Of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

One of the most severe effects of Camp Lejeune water contamination is the development of cancer. Exposure to benzene, a known carcinogen, was linked to an increased risk for leukemia and other cancers.

Additionally, exposure to volatile organic compounds such as trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) has been linked to liver cancer, kidney cancer, lymphomas, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and bladder cancer. Other long-term health issues related to the contaminated water include negative impacts on reproductive health with male victims displaying higher rates of infertility.

Victims can also suffer from conditions related to neurological damage caused by contaminants including memory loss, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. There have also been reports of immune system problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome, rashes, and other allergies which can be attributed to the contamination.

Finally, Camp Lejeune water contamination may cause liver damage that can lead to jaundice or the yellowing of the skin. In some cases, it can even cause death depending on how long a person was exposed to contaminated water.

The effects of Camp Lejeune water contamination are far-reaching and long-lasting for those affected by it. Victims need to seek proper medical care and attention to monitor and treat any conditions they may have developed due to their exposure. Considering this incident, it is even more important for communities to ensure that all public water sources are regularly monitored and tested for any signs of contamination.

The effects of Camp Lejeune water contamination have had a devastating impact on the lives of those affected. We must continue to work towards finding new ways to reduce incidents like this in the future so that no one else must go through something like this again.

What Can I Recover In My Case?

Victims of Camp Lejeune water contamination can collect a range of different types of compensation for their suffering. These include medical and disability benefits, death benefits, and additional financial resources.

Medical Benefits

Victims may be eligible to receive reimbursement for the costs associated with any medical care they must seek due to health problems related to water contamination. This includes expenses such as hospitalization, care from specialists, medications, and physical or mental therapy.

Disability Benefits

Disabled veterans who are unable to work because of illnesses caused by exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune may be eligible for special monthly payments known as “Individual Unemployability” if they meet certain criteria. They must have a service-connected disability rated as 100 percent disabling. In addition, veterans may receive compensation for the cost of care they need to be able to function daily.

Death Benefits

If a veteran passes away due to illnesses related to their exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, their survivors may be eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). This is a monthly payment that can provide an income stream for the surviving family members.

Financial Resources

The VA also offers financial assistance programs to those who have been affected by the Camp Lejeune contamination, such as home loan guarantees and special grants for disabled veterans. These resources are designed to help ease some of the burden associated with medical bills or other expenses related to water contamination.

Overall, Camp Lejeune water contamination victims have a range of different compensation options available to them. It is important for anyone affected by this tragedy to understand their legal rights and take advantage of these resources if they are eligible. By doing so, they can help ensure that they receive the financial assistance they need to cope with their medical issues and loss of income due to disability or death.

Contact our firm to learn more abut filing a Camp Lejeune lawsuit.