New Brunswick Construction Accident Lawyer
Construction sites are among the most dangerous workplaces because of the heavy machinery and working from tall heights on incomplete structures. This is why construction sites usually have strict safety protocols, such as wearing hard hats and harnesses.
However, accidents can happen even with safety precautions, and construction site mishaps usually result in severe injuries. A New Brunswick construction accident lawyer could provide guidance on your options if you have been hurt on the job. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Garces, Grabler, & LeBrocq have been helping injured construction workers navigate the worker’s compensation process and providing representation against other responsible parties to ensure the employee gets the maximum amount they deserve.
Securing Worker’s Compensation
If employees get hurt at work, they may be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. This is a type of insurance held by employers meant to compensate their employees if they are injured while doing their jobs. Possible benefits include medical expenses for hospital bills and rehabilitation treatments needed for a worker to return to full capacity.
If the employee is unable to work because of their injury, they may be entitled to wage replacement benefits under worker’s compensation. These benefits pay a portion of the employee’s usual weekly wages to help pay bills and expenses while they recover.
The dangerous environment of a construction site means that some injuries may be so severe that a worker may not make a full recovery. In this case, worker’s compensation may help out through disability benefits. These could be partial, where the employee can still perform the job but at a decreased capacity, or total, where the employee is permanently unable to return to work.
The extent and severity of the injuries dictate which worker’s compensation benefits are available to a hurt employee. A knowledgeable attorney in New Brunswick could help an injured construction worker understand what benefits they may be entitled to so they can make an informed decision.
Other Parties That Could Be Liable for a Construction Injury
Worker’s compensation also protects employers from personal liability lawsuits. In exchange for covering medical expenses and wages through worker’s compensation, employees relinquish their right to sue their employers for their injuries. However, construction sites are unique because there could be more than one party with responsibility for the accident.
For example, accidents could be caused by defective tools, equipment, or vehicles, for which the manufacturers could be held responsible. The general contractor of the construction is usually in charge of overseeing the project, which includes ensuring the site is compliant with applicable regulations. These rules are in place to keep workers safe from harm, and a general contractor could be held responsible for an accident if they fail to follow these regulations. Similarly, the site owner has a responsibility to keep their premises free from dangerous hazards, so it is safe for anyone who occupies the space, such as construction workers. If the owner fails to fix or warn people about a hazard and it causes an accident, the owner could be held liable for any injuries.
Figuring out if another party involved with the construction site could be responsible for causing an accident is complex and dependent on specific facts. Anyone hurt at a construction site in New Brunswick should consult with a lawyer about their case. An experienced legal team could review the facts and help determine if a personal injury claim could be brought against another party.
Talk to a Construction Injury Attorney in New Brunswick
Construction site injuries could be severe and result in someone missing work and being unable to pay their bills. If you have been hurt at work, call a New Brunswick construction accident lawyer to discuss your options.
Garces, Grabler, & LeBrocq could help you file a claim for worker’s compensation and review your case to determine if another party could be held responsible for your injuries. Call today to talk to a dedicated lawyer.