Jackknife Truck Accidents in New Jersey


Commercial trucks are a vital part of the U.S. economy, allowing goods to be transported across the country safely and efficiently. However, these vehicles are large, heavy, and tricky to drive, requiring experienced truckers and responsible companies that adhere to all federal and state trucking laws.

Unfortunately, that’s not always what happens. Driver error and negligent practices can lead to accidents that put the lives of everyone sharing the road with these vehicles at risk. Some of the most common types of collisions involving commercial trucks are jackknife truck accidents in New Jersey.

If you’ve been in an accident with a truck and suffered injuries and other losses, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq to speak with our New Jersey truck accident lawyers about filing a claim.

What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

There are 13.5 million registered trucks in the United States, with 2.97 million of these being tractor-trailers, also known as semi-trucks. These vehicles combine a power unit, which holds the engine and transmission, and a cab, which transports cargo.

Jackknifing is a term that describes when the trailer and cab fold in on each other, resembling the shape of a jackknife. This occurs when the trailer swings out to one side of the cab, leading each part to move independently of the other and making it difficult for the driver to maintain control of the vehicle.

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Common Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents

Jackknife truck accidents can happen for a variety of reasons in New Jersey. Although the majority of these collisions are the result of driver error and loading problems, trucking company negligence could also be to blame.

Here are some of the most common causes of jackknife accidents.


Large trucks traveling at high speeds can more easily lose control. Avoiding collisions sometimes requires sudden braking, which can disrupt the truck’s balance, especially if the braking system isn’t calibrated correctly.

If the driver hits the brakes abruptly, the cab will come to a stop before the trailer. In this situation, the trailer could spin out of control and take the cab with it.

Remember, speeding doesn’t just mean going faster than the posted limit. It also means traveling too fast for weather and road conditions.

Distracted Driving

If a truck driver isn’t fully focused on operating their vehicle, they could easily cause an accident. Potential distractions include smartphones and other devices, eating, fiddling with the GPS, and anything else that takes the driver’s eyes and mind off the road.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, distractions contribute to approximately 71% of all commercial truck crashes.

A driver who isn’t paying attention to the road may overlook certain hazards, leading to evasive maneuvers that are hard to accomplish with a large truck. If a trucker slams on the brakes, jackknifing could be the result.

Fatigued Driving

There are strict guidelines in place that prevent truck drivers from being on duty for too many hours at a time. These aren’t always respected, though, with trucking companies sometimes pressuring drivers to work more hours.

A drowsy truck driver can easily lose control of their vehicle. Fatigue makes a driver more distracted and less likely to see a potential hazard until it’s too late. If they try to prevent a collision by hitting the brakes, the truck can jackknife.

Intoxicated Driving

Commercial drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol can cause accidents of all kinds on the road. These substances impact a driver’s coordination and reflexes, rendering them incapable of reacting appropriately to dangerous conditions on the road.

Improper Loading

If a truck’s trailer isn’t loaded correctly, cargo can shift during transport. This could lead the trailer to become unbalanced, making turns and stops perilous.

Maintenance Issues

A semi truck must be checked thoroughly before any trip it undertakes to identify any issues that could affect safety, including brake malfunctions. If the trucker or another company employee doesn’t perform these checks, disaster could strike.

Driver Inexperience

Trucking companies are responsible for ensuring that the drivers they hire have the appropriate experience and training. They could be held liable for accidents if inexperience or lack of training is to blame for an accident.

Road Conditions

Poorly maintained roads riddled with potholes, cracks, or uneven pavement could cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle. This is an especially serious problem when making sharp turns. When accidents occur, whoever is responsible for the road, whether the government or another entity, is typically liable.

Proving Fault After a Jackknife Accident

Determining who was at fault for a trucking accident isn’t always simple. A jackknife truck accident lawyer in New Jersey can help determine whether the truck driver, the trucking company, the loading company, or another party is at fault. In some instances, more than one entity can be held responsible.

The first step is to investigate the accident. A lawyer will gather evidence, including medical records, police reports, property damage information, and anything else that can demonstrate what happened. Because tractor-trailers are such complex vehicles, lawyers may also turn to expert witnesses for help.

Vehicle maintenance records are particularly helpful in determining whether the truck received proper care.

The truck itself might have an event data recorder, also known as a black box. This device may have captured the speed at which the truck was traveling and even the braking maneuvers the driver made at the time of the accident.

Eyewitness testimony can also play a key role in proving fault. If the truck driver was behaving erratically or seemed intoxicated, an impartial account of their behavior could help establish liability. Traffic cameras are another excellent tool to reveal what happened.

What to Do After a Jackknife Truck Accident

The first thing you want to do after a New Jersey jackknife accident is make sure it’s safe to move.

Many drivers try to get out of their vehicles as soon as a collision occurs, but that could further injure you. If you’re in significant pain or you think you hit your head during the accident, try to move as little as possible. Instead, call emergency services.

When medical professionals arrive at the scene, let them examine you. Even if you don’t think you have injuries, it’s best to let them look you over to be certain. Not only does this allow you to receive medical care immediately, but it also creates an official record of the injuries you’ve suffered.

If there are injuries or property damage, the next step is to contact law enforcement. Even if you’re unsure whether you’re injured, alerting the police protects you legally while also leaving a police report you can use later if you discover injuries and decide to file a claim.

Exchange information with the other parties involved, but avoid discussing fault. Keep the conversion as short and civil as possible.

After that, start gathering evidence. Take pictures of your injuries, the truck, your own vehicle, and anything else that shows what happened. If there are eyewitnesses at the scene, get their contact information so you can request their testimony later on.

You’ll also need to let your insurer know about the accident. This conversation should also be kept short, as you’ll want to let your truck accident lawyer handle any necessary negotiation.

Finally, reach out to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. They’ll help you pursue compensation for the losses you’ve suffered.

Trust Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq to Handle Your New Jersey Jackknife Truck Accident Claim

If you’ve been in any type of truck accident, you’ve likely suffered substantial losses, potentially including injuries and property damage. You never want to file a claim without experienced legal representation.

At Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq, our team of lawyers has decades of experience helping the people of New Jersey obtain fair compensation. We’ll investigate your accident and gather the necessary evidence to prove who was liable.

Because insurance companies are never out to help you, you need an advocate by your side who knows how to negotiate with them. Our seasoned jackknife truck accident lawyers won’t allow your insurer to pressure you into accepting a low offer.

We know what a difficult time you’re going through due to your injuries, medical expenses, property damage, and other expenses. The last thing we want to do is to add another bill to your pile. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t have to pay us a dime unless we win your case.

At GGL, we treat each of our clients with respect and compassion. You’ve already been through a traumatic experience — getting help shouldn’t add to the stress. We even offer our services in Spanish to ensure that anyone who needs help can get it.

If you’ve been hurt in a jackknife truck accident in New Jersey, you need the assistance of a qualified legal professional. Contact us online today or by calling 800-923-3456 to speak with an experienced New Jersey truck accident lawyer.