New Jersey Wide-Turn Truck Accident Lawyer

From the time you learned to drive a car, you’ve known that commercial trucks pose unique dangers on the road.

You know to stay out of blind spots and give trucks plenty of space. Unfortunately, truckers don’t always exercise the same care. There are many possible types of truck accidents, but one of the most dangerous is the wide-right-turn accident.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, an experienced New Jersey wide-turn truck accident lawyer can advocate for you and help you secure the compensation you need to move on with your life.

What Is a Wide-Right-Turn Truck Accident?

Wide-right-turn accidents are sometimes called “right squeeze” accidents. These mishaps occur when a vehicle drives alongside a truck making a right turn. As the truck executes the turn, the trailer “squeezes” the car against the curb. Depending on the height of the trailer, the car can even be pushed under the trailer.

Imagine you’re following a truck and approaching an intersection. The truck signals that it’s about to make a right. To execute the turn safely, however, it must move slightly to the left before turning.

You might think that the tuck is actually changing lanes, so you speed up into the right lane alongside the trailer. The truck turns, and you crash into the cab.

You’ve likely seen many commercial trucks with a sticker on the back reading, “This vehicle makes wide right turns” or something similar. These warnings are intended to prevent accidents like these from happening.

What Are Common Causes of Wide-Right-Turn Truck Accidents?

Given the size difference between big rigs and passenger vehicles, it’s easy to see that if you’re involved in a wide-right-turn truck accident, you’re at serious risk for injuries, vehicular damage, or both. These accidents can be devastating, and they have many possible causes, including:

  • A truck driver failing to signal before turning
  • A driver of a car trying to pass the truck on the right
  • A truck driver failing to check their surroundings before turning
  • Distracted driving (by either the truck driver or the driver of the car)
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (by either driver)
  • Fatigued driving (by either driver)
  • Insufficient truck driver training or experience
  • A truck driver failing to slow down in time to properly complete the turn
  • A truck driver swinging overly wide to complete the turn

Fault isn’t always clear in these accidents, and in some cases, both the trucker and the driver of the car share responsibility.

Even if you aren’t sure who was responsible for your accident, it’s still wise to consult a personal injury attorney. A qualified lawyer in New Jersey will review your wide-turn truck crash case and assess your chances of securing fair and adequate compensation for your losses.

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How Can Wide-Right-Turn Truck Accidents Be Prevented?

You can’t control another driver’s action, but when you drive defensively, you can minimize your chances of being involved in a serious wide-right-turn truck accident.

If you find yourself driving near a truck (and especially if you’re approaching an intersection), our New Jersey attorneys suggest taking the following precautions to reduce the likelihood of a wide-turn crash.

Keep a Safe Distance

It’s always wise to give other drivers space, particularly when you’re near a turning truck. Don’t drive too close behind or beside the truck if you can help it, and definitely don’t try to pass it on the right.

Be Aware of Blind Spots

Every vehicle has blind spots, but the blind spots on a commercial truck are much bigger than those of a normal passenger car.

Truckers have large blind spots immediately behind them, in front of them, and on either side. The largest blind spot is to the right of the trailer. As a general rule of thumb, if you can’t see the driver’s face in the truck’s side mirror, they can’t see you.

Watch for Turn Signals

Responsible truck drivers are careful to use their turn signals. For instance, if a truck starts to move left with a left turn signal on, it’s likely switching lanes (or turning left if it’s at an intersection). However, if the truck moves left but has a right turn signal on, it’s likely about to make a right turn.

With that being said, all drivers make mistakes, and it’s possible that a trucker may make a right turn without signaling properly. When it comes to driving near commercial trucks, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Make Sure You’re Visible to the Truck Driver

Truck drivers are supposed to check their surroundings carefully before turning, but they may not always do so. You can protect yourself by making yourself as visible as possible. Switch your headlights on in low-light conditions, and always make sure you can see the driver’s face in the truck’s side mirror.

Be Patient

Many wide-right-turn truck accidents happen when drivers following a truck get impatient and speed up to pass it. Resist this urge. Slowing down and waiting for a big rig to turn may be frustrating, but it’s much better than dealing with the pain, suffering, and loss a car accident can cause.

How Can You Prove Fault After a Wide-Right-Turn Truck Accident?

In many wide-turn accidents, the truck making the turn is at fault. That’s because vehicles are required to stay in their lane of traffic, and truckers are supposed to wait until traffic is clear before turning.

However, if another driver acts recklessly or negligently, they may be deemed at fault. For example, if a car following a truck suddenly speeds up and attempts to pass on the right, the driver of the car may be responsible for the resulting collision.

Proving fault isn’t always a simple process. It involves careful examination of the circumstances of the accident by insurance adjusters and attorneys. When you book a consultation with a qualified New Jersey lawyer, they’ll review your wide-turn case and tell you whether you or another party were likely at fault.

You may still be able to recover damages if you were partially at fault for your accident.

New Jersey is a comparative negligence state, which means you can claim compensation as long as you aren’t more than 50% responsible for an accident. The caveat is that the damages you recover will be reduced according to your percentage of fault.

Common Injuries From Wide-Turn Truck Accidents

Any kind of car accident has the potential to cause serious injuries. However, because commercial trucks — especially those carrying cargo — are much heavier than passenger vehicles, you may be at serious risk of injury if you’re involved in a wide-right-turn accident.

Here are some of the more common injuries associated with these accidents.


Broken or fractured bones are a common outcome of turning accidents.

You might experience fractures of your vertebrae (the bones that make up your back) from the force of snapping forward or backward. Many kinds of car accidents cause broken femurs (the bones of the upper legs), and if your car is pushed under the trailer, crushing forces can also cause very serious breaks.

Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries, sometimes called TBIs for short, can happen when your head violently impacts another object or sudden acceleration or deceleration causes your brain to collide with the inside of your skull. Mild TBIs may resolve quickly with few long-term symptoms, but severe brain injuries can result in permanent damage.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can be extremely dangerous. If you have a partial spinal cord injury — meaning your spinal cord is damaged but not completely severed — you might suffer a partial loss of sensation or movement. If the spinal cord is severed, you could lose all movement and sensation below the site of the injury.

Organ Damage and Internal Bleeding

Not all severe injuries are immediately noticeable. Serious car accidents can cause hidden internal damage, including ruptured organs and internal bleeding.

If these injuries are quickly diagnosed and treated, death from blood loss is a possibility. Even if you don’t think you’re badly hurt, you should always seek medical attention after getting in a car accident.

Get Dependable Legal Help After a Wide-Turn Truck Accident in New Jersey

Wide-right-turn truck accidents can range from minor fender-benders to catastrophic accidents causing severe injury or even death. If you’ve been hurt in one, you need experienced legal representation.

The veteran team at Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq is committed to giving every client the kind of unique, individualized attention they deserve. We’ve recovered over $1 billion and counting for our injured clients, and we may be able to help you, too.

Contact us online or call us at 800-923-3456 today to speak with one of our New Jersey wide-turn truck accident lawyers. There’s no risk to you — your initial consultation is free, and if we take your case, there’s no fee unless we win.