Distracted Driving Truck Accidents in New Jersey

Truck drivers are highly trained, skilled drivers who know the serious dangers of distracted driving. Yet, driver error due to distraction is a common cause of truck accidents.

Our firm of skilled accident lawyers often represents people injured in distracted driving truck accidents in New Jersey. Contact us as soon as possible after the crash to explore your legal options.

Driving While Distracted Violates the Law

Most people understand that driving while distracted is extremely dangerous. Laws vary from state to state, but New Jersey allows cell phone use while driving only if the device is in hands-free mode. Truckers operating commercial vehicles are subject to federal regulations similar to the New Jersey law.

Cell phones are not the only distraction that can cause an accident. Other forms of distraction that can increase the risk of a crash include:

  • Eating or drinking
  • Engaging with passengers
  • Grooming
  • Using the truck’s navigation system
  • Reaching for something in the passenger seat or out of arm’s length
  • Watching videos or reading
  • Communicating with the dispatcher

Trucks are unwieldy with stiff steering and are slow to come to a stop. Any interruption in a trucker’s attention can cause a catastrophic crash.

When the police cite a truck driver for driving while distracted after an accident, the ticket is proof of the driver’s negligence. However, even when the trucker does not get a ticket, a New Jersey attorney could review other evidence to establish that distraction was a factor in the crash.

Engage Legal Representation Promptly

New Jersey Statute 2A-14-2 requires an injured person to file a lawsuit within two years of the crash date. When the injured person is a minor, they can sue within two years of their 18th birthday. However, it is usually advantageous for a parent or guardian to sue on the child’s behalf soon after the crash.

Although the law gives an injured person two years to file a claim, it makes sense to contact an accident attorney promptly. The insurers for trucking companies often try to preemptively settle a New Jersey distracted driving truck accident case for much less than the claim is worth. Injured people with legal representation are less vulnerable to these inadequate offers.

Compensation In Truck Accident Claims

Collisions with large commercial vehicles can cause permanent and even catastrophic injuries. Anyone injured by a negligent truck driver deserves the maximum compensation available in their circumstances.

Many drivers in this state have no-fault insurance policies that limit their right to sue. However, people with serious injuries can seek compensation through the court. Our legal professionals will scrutinize medical records and engage experts to establish an accident victim’s injuries meet the threshold for access to the judicial system.

Transportation companies have commercial insurance policies that have coverage limits of $1 million or more. When negotiations do not produce a satisfactory offer, our New Jersey attorneys will not hesitate to take the distracted truck driver to court and make their case before a jury.

When a Distracted Trucker Causes Injuries, Contact a New Jersey Attorney

Trucks can cause catastrophic injuries to the occupants of passenger vehicles. For that reason, truckers have a heightened responsibility to drive carefully and responsibly. When they fail to do so, you can hold them accountable.

Contact Garces, Grabler, & LeBrocq if you were injured in a distracted driver truck accident in New Jersey. We will fight for you until you receive maximum compensation for your injuries. Get in touch today.