New Jersey Paralysis Injury Lawyer

The nervous system in our body is responsible for the signals sent to and from the brain. When it is damaged or disrupted, you lose sensation and motor control. This condition—known as paralysis—is most common following an injury to the spinal cord.

When these injuries occur due to negligence, it is possible to pursue legal action with the help of a compassionate attorney. No amount of money can undo damage to the spinal cord, but a New Jersey paralysis injury lawyer can work toward a settlement that eases your financial burden.

How Paralysis Happens

Some people deal with the loss of sensation or motor control in their body due to a genetic condition or illness. This can include individuals born with hereditary spastic paraplegia or those who suffer from a stroke during their life.

Although this condition can occur due to a genetic defect or disease, many cases occur as the result of a catastrophic injury. When the spinal cord is severed, it prevents the brain from sending or receiving signals elsewhere in the body. This makes it impossible for a person to feel any sensations in the affected area or control certain body parts or functions.

The situations that can lead to paralysis vary. Some of the most common examples include the following:

Any of these incidents could lead to a viable case for financial compensation.

Recovering Damages After a Paralysis Accident

A person is often entitled to a wide range of compensation because of the catastrophic nature of these injuries. Each type of damage can vary depending on the nature and extent of a person’s injuries.

Medical Expenses

Treating paralysis can be costly, especially given the permanent nature of these injuries. The cost of the initial treatment alone, including emergency room care and ambulance transportation, can be expensive. For most people with paralysis, there is an ongoing need for treatment that lasts the rest of their life. A lawsuit could help someone recoup both their past and future medical expenses.

Lost Wages

Most people who have been paralyzed can no longer maintain their employment. This might only be for a few weeks, but many people are never able to fully re-enter the workforce again. In that situation, a person could be entitled to recover the wages they lost due to their injury.

Pain and Suffering

Although paralysis involves the loss of physical sensation in parts of the body, pain is still common with these injuries. Any damage to the nervous system can lead to chronic pain that lasts for the rest of a person’s life. This can lead to secondary conditions like depression. Although pain is subjective, it is possible to recover damages based on this experience. A paralysis injury attorney in New Jersey could make the case for the fair value of a pain and suffering claim.

Talk to a New Jersey Paralysis Injury Attorney Right Away

If you have suffered paralysis due to someone else’s negligent act, you have the right to pursue legal action against them. A successful lawsuit could provide you with the monetary award you deserve. Reach out to a New Jersey paralysis injury lawyer at GGL as soon as possible for a private consultation.