Freehold Car Accident Lawyer
A traffic accident can disrupt your day in the best-case scenario and fundamentally alter your life under less fortunate circumstances. Either way, your priority after an automobile crash should be making sure you get appropriate medical care, and your second should be exploring your right to pursue financial compensation for your losses related to the crash.
Depending on the accident’s circumstances and the type of auto insurance you have, your path to financial recovery may look very different from someone else’s, so you should seek help from a seasoned personal injury attorney in this situation. Our Freehold car accident lawyers from Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq could help you get the best possible outcome from insurance claims, a third-party lawsuit, or both.
Proving Someone Else Caused a Car Wreck
Every person who operates a motor vehicle on public roads assumes the same basic duty of care, which requires them to obey traffic laws, watch out for nearby traffic, and generally act responsibly behind the wheel. Holding someone else legally liable for damages after a car crash means proving they caused those damages by breaching this duty, for example, by running a red light, driving while drunk, or texting while driving.
In some situations, establishing fault can be as simple as referencing a police accident report, as that report may mention a citation issued to one driver involved for a traffic offense they committed right before the wreck happened. A seasoned Freehold car accident attorney could collect evidence to show another person is to blame for the crash.
Getting Around a “Limited Right to Sue”
Support from skilled legal counsel is important when navigating past the restrictions placed on car accident claims by the state’s no-fault car insurance system. Anyone who has a policy with a “Limited Right to Sue” may not be allowed to file a lawsuit against the person at fault for their car crash after exhausting all available insurance coverage.
Generally, people with this type of coverage can only step outside this system and sue over a car crash if they sustain one of the following types of injuries:
- Any fatal injury
- Any injury resulting in the loss of a fetus
- Any injury resulting in permanent disability
- Any injury resulting in permanent disfigurement or scarring
- Loss or amputation of a limb
- A displaced bone fracture
An auto accident lawyer in Freehold could establish that a claim meets this requirement.
Our Freehold Car Accident Attorneys Could Help After a Crash
As common as car crashes are, they are rarely easy to take legal action over. Things can get even more complex due to the unique rules and restrictions placed by state law on the rights of auto accident victims, even those with life-altering injuries.
The Freehold car accident lawyers at Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq can provide you the support you need to obtain the comprehensive restitution you deserve. Call today to set up an initial consultation.