Dover Truck Accident Lawyer
The average tractor-trailer outweighs the average passenger car by several tons, even without any cargo on board, and trucks that are fully loaded can legally weigh up to 80,000 pounds while traveling on interstate highways. Due to a truck’s size and weight, any type of collision with another vehicle is likely to result in serious injuries, and higher-speed crashes can cause catastrophic harm or death.
Money alone cannot erase the pain and trauma a truck crash can cause. However, demanding fair financial recovery after a wreck with a seasoned personal injury attorney’s help can help protect your financial security and best interests. With the support of the Dover truck accident lawyers from Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq, you will have far better chances of achieving a favorable case result.
What to Do After Being Involved in a Truck Crash
The first priority for anyone injured in a truck crash should always be seeking immediate professional medical care. Even people who feel fine after a wreck should still get checked out by a healthcare professional as soon as they can. When possible, people in a truck wreck should do several things before leaving the scene of a truck wreck that can significantly strengthen a civil claim, including:
- Contacting the police and providing a statement after they arrive
- Taking photos of all damage to the vehicles involved and nearby traffic patterns and signals
- Collecting contact information from witnesses
- Checking for nearby surveillance or dashboard cameras that may have recorded the accident and getting contact information from the owners of the cameras
Getting checked by a medical professional should always come first, so anyone who needs emergency medical attention after a wreck should seek the care they need. A Dover truck accident attorney could collect evidence on a client’s behalf later.
Are Trucking Companies Liable for Truck Driver Negligence?
One difference between truck and car accident claims is that the trucker directly involved in such a wreck is rarely the only person directly responsible. Often, it is possible to hold trucking companies liable for the misconduct of one of their employees or their own negligent hiring and training practices.
Fault for a crash could also lie with a mechanic who failed to service a truck properly, a manufacturer who produced faulty truck parts, or even another driver on the road who forced the trucker into an unavoidable wreck. Support from a knowledgeable lawyer can be vital in determining who is to blame for a specific truck crash in Dover and taking effective legal action against them.
Get Help from a Dover Truck Accident Attorney Today
The aftermath of a collision with a commercial tractor-trailer can be a chaotic and frightening time, especially if you have suffered serious and potentially life-changing injuries from the wreck. You have important legal rights that a seasoned legal professional could help you make the most of.
A conversation with our Dover truck accident lawyers at Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq could answer pressing questions and provide preliminary guidance about the steps to take towards recovery. Call today to schedule a meeting.