Medical Malpractice: Important Things You Need to Know

Medical Malpractice: Important Things You Need to Know

The National Safety Council lists trauma resulting from accidents among the top three leading causes of death in America. Moreover, injuries stemming from an incorrect diagnosis, inaccurate information to patients exercising informed consent, flawed experimental treatments, or failure to secure permission from the individual being treated or their proxy constitute medical malpractice.

The complexities of the statute of limitations for medical malpractice in each state challenge everyone from the greenest legal aides through Supreme Court justices. It’s important to consult an attorney if you suspect you may be the victim of medical malpractice.

Why Is It Important to File a Medical Malpractice Claim?

If you consult with a medical malpractice lawyer and it’s confirmed that you have a case against a medical professional, it’s worth filing a medical malpractice claim for the following reasons:

  • Expenses due to complications
  • Extended hospital stays while in recovery
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income due to absence from work
  • Discovering a pattern of similar errors that medical practitioner has made in the past
  • Administrative oversight failures

What Do I Look for in a Medical Malpractice Attorney?

First and foremost, it’s important to make sure that the attorney you’re consulting specializes in medical malpractice cases. You also want to take a look at the number of cases they’ve successfully settled or litigated. Additional things to look for in a medical malpractice attorney include:

  • Reputation for winning large settlements
  • Ability to accept cases without charging retainers
  • Great client reviews and referrals

Facing Medical Practitioner Review Panels

Medical practitioner review panels perform investigations of malpractice claims. Typically, panel members consist of health care consumers, physicians, and administrators to ensure balance and avoid weighting cases against patients. If necessary, the panel requests additional information about the event that caused the injury before moving forward. Furthermore, outcomes of investigations include:

  • Deferred decisions until after a trial
  • Immediate disciplinary actions such as revoking a medical license
  • Referring offending physicians to treatment programs or education
  • Recommending revocation of privileges at the health care facility where the physician practices

If you believe you’ve been the victim of medical malpractice, it’s in your best interest to seek out a medical malpractice attorney. Contact Garces, Grabler, and LeBrocq today to schedule a free consultation.