AAA’s 100 Deadliest Days: How to Stay Safe on the Road This Summer

Each year over 3 million people are injured in car accidents in the United States, and according to the American Automobile Association, the deadliest days for drivers are between Memorial Day and Labor Day. If you are planning on hitting the road this summer, here are some things that you need to know so that you can be as safe as possible while driving.
1. Plan Before you Drive
Before taking to the road, make sure to plan out your trip to accommodate things like traffic and congestion. Try to travel during lulls and before or after rush hour traffic hits your area. If there are construction hazards, keep those in mind and maybe plan a few different routes just in case of trouble.
2. Drive Defensively
Driving defensively is a skill that all drivers should learn. Always be aware of your surroundings and don’t take for granted that all the drivers around you are going to obey the law. Stay within the speed limits and don’t feel pressured to go faster by aggressive drivers. If possible, cut out as many distractions as possible, such as loud music or snacking. Slow and steady really is the golden rule when it comes to defensive driving.
3. Check the Weather Before Leaving
Another thing to keep in mind before hitting the road is the weather. If there is rain or storms in the forecast you might want to postpone the drive, especially if it’s long. If you have to hit the road, take care to drive with even more care than you would on a sunny day. If possible, make sure that your windshield wipers are in good condition before leaving as well.
4. Check the Traffic
While checking the weather you should also check the local traffic to make sure that there are no accidents or jams on your chosen route. If there are, it might be a good idea to use a backup route.
What If You Are Injured in an Accident?
If you do end up in an accident, don’t wait for the insurance company and hire a personal injury attorney ASAP. Not only can they get you the help you need, but they can ensure that the insurance company doesn’t try to make you jump through any unnecessary hoops. For more information or to schedule a consultation with us, contact the law offices of Garces, Grabler, and LeBrocq today.