4 Circumstances in Which You Should Hire Auto Accident Lawyers

Motor vehicle accidents can completely change your quality of life in an instant. Depending on the severity of the injuries suffered, the accident can disrupt your work and lifestyle. There are over 6 million accidents reported annually. In 2018, over 40,000 people lost their lives in auto accidents.
Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be scary. Many questions and thoughts may flood your mind after you’ve been involved in an accident, one of which may be whether you need auto accident lawyers. Depending on your situation, an auto accident attorney can help you claim compensation for the damages caused. Here are some circumstances in which it is advisable to bring in a local attorney after an accident.
1. When You Suffer Serious Injuries
It may be fairly easy to resolve the issue among the parties involved when no severe injuries or damages that occurred after the accident. However, if you suffered injuries that resulted in significant medical expenses, it would be in your best interest to involve auto accident lawyers.
The personal injury lawyers can find the best medical care you need as you recuperate from your injuries. As you begin the long journey to rehabilitation and treatment, your attorney can file your claim. You can demand compensation for rising medical bills, lost wages, and extreme physical or emotional pain suffered.
2. When You Aren’t Satisfied With the Settlement Offer
Up to 96% of personal injury cases are settled without going to court. However, when facing several lawyers representing a billion-dollar insurance firm, it may not be wise to fight it out alone. Auto accident attorneys can help you know how much your claim is worth. Seasoned lawyers use several factors to calculate the compensation you deserve. You can avoid a quick settlement that the insurance representatives are pushing for.
3. When the Other Driver Denies Liability
In some situations, it may not be easy to pinpoint the driver at fault. The insurance companies may eventually deny the claim altogether. In this case, you may need to bring in auto accident lawyers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says over 16% of fatal accidents occur due to driver negligence and distraction.
4. When You Don’t Know What Legal Steps to Take
The period immediately after the accident can be emotional. You may be confused about what steps to take next. An auto accident lawyer can explain your rights to you. They also understand the legal processes and can help you file your claim with the insurance company. You may not have to worry about the necessary paperwork. If the case goes to trial, the personal injury attorney can represent you before the judge and jury.
Hire an Auto Attorney Today
A personal injury law firm specializing in auto accident litigation has a pool of investigators and paralegals that can gather evidence to back your claim. You may need substantial evidence to prove beyond doubt the other driver’s negligence. The lawyer may engage reconstruction experts if the case proceeds to court. If you believe that the accident occurred due to the other party’s negligence, call your auto accident attorney immediately.
Motor vehicle accidents can affect the quality of life. Auto accident lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries and damages inflicted. Garces, Grabler, and LeBrocq can assess your case and offer the needed legal representation.