3 Tips for Staying Safe on Winter Roads

3 Tips for Staying Safe on Winter Roads

Winter is right around the corner, and soon the roads will be covered in snow and ice. While many drivers have experience driving in the winter weather, the season can still make road hazards even more dangerous. That said, it’s important to make sure you’re driving safely and following the rules of the road to reduce the risk of an auto accident.

To make sure you and your family stay safe while you’re on the road this winter, here are a few tips you can use to feel more confident behind the wheel.

Brush all the snow off your car

Before you get into your vehicle to drive somewhere this winter, make sure that there isn’t any snow left clinging to your vehicle. Many drivers will simply brush away the driver’s side of the windshield before getting on the road. However, the snow on the rest of the car can easily blow over and block your vision. This creates a dangerous situation in which you can’t see the road, which puts you, your family, and other motorists in danger. It also makes you responsible in the event that an auto accident does happen. Brush away all snow from your windshield, mirrors, roof, and side windows before driving.

Maintain your vehicle

It’s important to schedule your car maintenance before the winter season arrives. Make sure that your oil is changed and that it has the right viscosity to keep it from causing friction in your engine. It’s also important to get your wheels rotated and check the tire pressure. Winter tires are recommended to be several psi higher than all-season tires because the additional pressure increases the tires’ stability. This keeps your vehicle from sliding across the road when you make turns or stops.

Give other cars plenty of space

While higher tire pressure does help to keep your vehicle from sliding, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t. Snow and ice on the road can send your vehicle skittering forward when you least expect it. That said, to help avoid an accident, make sure to give the car in front of you at a distance of two or three cars. This way you have plenty of time to stop.‍

Looking for an auto accident attorney?

Car accidents are more common during the winter season because of the road hazards the weather creates. In fact, over 4.5 million people suffered car accident-related injuries in 2018 alone. If you’re in a car accident and you’re in need of an auto accident attorney New Brunswick NJ motorists can trust, look no further than the law offices of Garces, Grabler, and LeBrocq. We have the experienced personal injury attorneys and auto accident attorneys you need. For more information or to schedule a consultation with us, contact the law offices of Garces, Grabler, and LeBrocq today.