Newark Car Accident Lawyer
Car accidents around the country are on the rise, and New Jersey is no exception. Job growth, population increases, and more affordable fuel have led to a surge of people on the road, making traffic accidents more likely.
If you get into a car accident, relying on an experienced Newark car accident lawyer gives you the chance to get the help you need. Whether you’ve been injured, have had a loved one pass away, and/or have suffered property damage, seeking out legal advice and representation from experts well-versed in New Jersey law is essential. Call a personal injury attorney now.
Common Causes for Car Accidents
Human error causes most traffic accidents. Human error doesn’t have to mean not knowing how to drive a vehicle but rather not making the right decisions while driving.
Distracted driving is a huge concern and one of the most common driver errors, with texting or using phones as well as eating or drinking while driving impacting a driver’s concentration. The brain has a hard time performing multiple complex tasks, like driving and texting, at the same time.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that texting while driving leads you to take your eyes off the road for at least five seconds.
Distractions can be visual, including turning to talk to a passenger or anything else that makes you take your eyes away from the road. There are also auditory distractions, like listening to music or the conversation of other passengers.
Manual distractions include eating, drinking, texting, and anything else that gets your hands away from the wheel, while cognitive distractions refer to things like being too tired to drive or going through strong emotions that don’t allow you to focus on driving.
When drivers don’t pay attention, they struggle to process information from objects on the roadway, even if they’re looking at them. The brain and visual processing system don’t work well if you’re distracted.
Drunk driving is another cause of traffic accidents in Newark. Drinking alcohol impairs your senses and results in slower response times as well as decreased muscle coordination. These factors combine to make you unable to react as you need to while on the road.
In New Jersey, traffic congestion also increases the risk of car accidents for multiple reasons. People tend to become more aggressive when there’s more traffic. They also become more distracted because they’re spending more time on the road.
Unsafe lane changing is also a common issue when there’s traffic congestion. Something as seemingly simple as forgetting to signal when changing lanes can cause accidents.
Reckless driving is connected to congestion issues, but it can happen at any time. It involves disregarding the safety of others and failing to respect cautionary driving measures. Some of the factors that can fall under the umbrella of reckless driving include:
- Running stop signs
- Tailgating
- Driving without headlights
- Improper turns
- Running red lights
- Speeding
- Suddenly braking
Alone, these traffic violations aren’t considered to be reckless driving. That occurs when there’s a combination of them or there are other aggravating circumstances.
The state of the roads themselves is another concern, with many of the urban highways in New Jersey requiring repairs. Roads in poor repair make it more likely for drivers to experience issues with their tires as well as struggle with braking correctly.
Drowsy driving is another cause of car accidents in the Newark area. Although most of the car accidents that occur because of drowsy driving happen during the night, there are risks during the day as well. Drowsy drivers are not able to perceive, react, or respond to what happens on the road. In some instances, drivers can fall into micro sleep and lose consciousness.
An attorney in Newark could determine the cause and liable party in a car accident case.
What To Do After a Car Accident
If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Newark, acting quickly is essential. The first thing you should do is contact the authorities. If you or someone else is injured, you have to get paramedics there. The police will take statements and compile a report on property damage, injuries, and more.
The reports that the police put together will serve your insurer and your Newark car accident lawyers. Your lawyers will use the reports to help them compile evidence demonstrating the actions and circumstances that resulted in your accident.
You will need to exchange insurance information. As you do so, make sure not to speak about the accident itself or who was at fault. Take down the other driver’s license number, the plate number, and the model.
Once everyone is safe and the police have arrived, taking pictures of the accident is a good idea. Take pictures of the damage the vehicles sustained as well as their locations in relation to one another.
Documentany road markings as well as weather conditions. If you have injuries, document these, too. If possible, write a description of the accident so that you remember as many details as possible.
The next thing you have to do is report the accident to your insurer. If you do not do so in a timely manner, your future claim may be denied because you didn’t adhere to the terms of your policy.
If the accident caused property damage of more than $500, or if it resulted in the injury or death of anyone, New Jersey law states you have to report it to the police. Within ten days, you’ll have to file a written report.
The next step is to contact car accident lawyers in Newark. They’ll fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve.
Common Car Accident Injuries
Whiplash and other neck injuries are some of the most common injuries people have to deal with after a car accident. What causes whiplash is the forceful bending forward and backward of your neck. It involves the muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs, and nerves.
Sudden movement, as can come during a car accident, rapidly changes the way your neck and spine move, leading to strain.
Traumatic brain injuries are another common type of car accident injury. They include blows as well as penetrating injuries to the head, with concussions being the mildest stage. Experiencing more severe brain injuries could leave you with permanent damage.
Spinal cord injuries can also occur during a car accident. The impact of the crash may cause damage to the spine, potentially putting you in danger of paralysis. Paralysis can be total or partial, and it often occurs when force fractures or dislocates vertebrae while also bruising or tearing the spinal cord.
Burns are another issue that car accidents can cause. A car accident has the potential to put you in contact with components of the car you usually don’t come near, like hot engine parts. The vehicle it self may catch fire, leading to severe and life-threatening burns.
Car accidents may also lead to loss of limbs. The force of the impact is able to remove a limb completely or cause the kind of severe damage that leads to a medical amputation.
Internal injuries occur when the car forces the body into an object or debris hits the body. Internal bleeding is a common issue that results from these injuries, and it requires prompt medical attention.
Other common injuries that car accidents cause include fractures. Broken legs, arms, wrists, and even feet often lead to having to wear a cast or undergo surgery. Fractures can be simple or compound. Your hands and feet are particularly at risk because of the many bones they contain and the active role they play during driving.
Psychological injuries are not visible, but they are just as damaging as physical ones. People who experience a car accident can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which leads to dealing with flashbacks, sleeping problems, and anxiety.
Struggling with depression and anxiety after a car accident is also common. Dealing with chronic pain issues can make depression and anxiety worse as well. A lawyer in Newark could secure compensation for all injuries after a car collision.
How Much Is Your Case Worth?
It’s important to understand that each car accident is unique, as are the injuries they cause. The Newark lawyers at Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq consider many variables after a car crash, including how the injuries affect your life.
In the state of New Jersey, once a car accident happens, your insurance company is responsible for paying damages and medical bills, whether you were at fault or not. Only after you exhaust your insurance can you seek compensation from the other person’s insurance.
Insurance companies tend to undervalue cases, which is why you need experienced Newark car accident lawyers like us to help you.
One of the factors that we and your insurer will consider is how a jury would react to your injuries. Generally, if you have injuries that appear serious, your case will likely be worth more.
If you require surgical procedures, long treatment, or if you will have to deal with lasting pain or damage, then it’s more likely that your case will be worth more as well.
Most cases settle out of court because insurers don’t want to deal with the costs of a trial, and the people involved in the accident don’t want to go through the ordeal of the process.
Financial loss is also considered when deciding what your case is worth. This doesn’t only count property damage or medical bills but also losses like missed work.
Potential Damages in a Newark Car Accident Case
Damages refer to the compensation that someone who has been in a car accident may receive if they experienced property damage or loss, physical injuries, and emotional harm. They need to include damages incurred in the past as well as foreseeable damages.
Past and present medical expenses that result from a car accident should receive compensation. Medical expenses include:
- Physical therapy fees
- Pharmacy bills
- Hospital bills
- Medical equipment costs
- Other medical costs
Together with medical experts, we can calculate your expected medical expenses at future value, using your treatment plan and prognosis as a guideline.
Damages also include the pain and suffering you experience. Pain and suffering damage accounts for the limitations, physical discomfort, and emotional distress you went through as a result of a car accident.
Often, the damages you receive from pain and suffering come down to how successfully your attorney presents your case, which is why having experienced lawyers is vital.
If you lose wages because of a car accident, you have a right to receive compensation. This is both for the past and future. These damages include compensation for everything from a single day of missed work to a full change in your job because of injuries you sustained during the accident.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
In a personal injury claim, you can have out-of-pocket expenses that are above your basic medical expenses. These can include:
- Childcare fees when attending treatment
- Home and vehicle modifications
- Parking fees when attending treatment
- Transportation costs when attending treatment
Newark car accident lawyers can advise you on what out-of-pocket expenses you can claim.
Loss of consortium damages refers to the ability of family members of the victim toget compensation for the loss of support, companionship, and intimate relations. If they lose these benefits due to the death of their loved one in a car accident, they may be able to receive compensation.
Punitive damages are designed to punish the person who caused the accident. These damages are in addition to compensatory damages and generally are only awarded in a car accident claim when the person at fault displayed particularly reckless behavior.
Other potential damages could include property damage, usually involving the car. Other damages can be those associated with a wrongful death, including funeral expenses, damages associated with disfigurement, and a decrease in your enjoyment of life.
Is New Jersey a Fault or No-Fault State?
New Jersey is a no-fault state, though it uses a unique “choice” no-fault law. A no-fault law means that after a car accident, all drivers of the vehicles involved, as well as all passengers, file claims to seek out compensation. This occurs no matter who is at fault.
New Jersey law requires three types of no-fault car insurance. Personal injury protection pays for your medical expenses and those of your passengers after a car accident.
Liability insurance pays for the suffering others experienced in an accident that you caused. Uninsured motorist insurance protects you if you are involved in a car accident with a motorist who doesn’t have insurance.
Although these are the required insurance options, you can increase your coverage in New Jersey. One thing that makes New Jersey law complex when dealing with car accidents is the choice of having a limited right to sue or an unlimited right to sue insurance.
A limited right to sue insurance allows victims of car accidents to pursue legal action against the person at fault outside of personal injury protection and no-fault coverage.
The option to sue, however, is only available with this type of insurance for those who have suffered serious injuries. With unlimited right to sue insurance, this is not an issue. No matter what kind of injuries you have, you can pursue legal action.
How Can GGL Help?
At Garces, Grabel & LeBrocq, we offer the guidance you need after experiencing a car accident. With over 30 years in practice, we provide reliable help for our clients, maintaining open communication as well as the care and consideration you deserve when facing injuries or property damage after a car accident.
Offering tenacious assistance with a no-nonsense attitude, we fight your corner and never under-settle, maximizing case value by preparing it for court. Our goal is always to get you the compensation you deserve, no matter how long that process takes or how difficult it is.
Our multilingual team is here to help people of all ages and backgrounds who are dealing with the aftermath of a car accident.
If you’ve been in a car crash, contact Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq to get help from experienced Newark car accident lawyers. Reach out to us online or call 1-800-923-3456 today for a free consultation.