Personal Injury Lawyer in New Brunswick, NJ

We are a team of highly skilled personal injury attorneys. If you have a bodily injury legal issue in or around New Brunswick, New Jersey, we can help. Call us today for a free consultation.

New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers

Even the most cautious individual can still become the victim of an accident and sustain unexpected injuries. Some of those may be mild and able to heal in a few days, while others can incur thousands of dollars in medical bills, disrupting your finances by making you lose wages and leading to lifelong complications.

You should not be left alone to navigate the challenges those injuries bring, especially if they were the result of the actions (or failure to act) of another person. If you file a personal injury claim against the responsible party, you may be able to recover compensation.

Of course, no amount of money can erase an injury and its effects completely, but with the funds available to cover your medical bills and make up for your lost wages, you will be free of financial worries and able to focus your attention and energy on healing.

If you have been searching for New Brunswick personal injury lawyers, turn to Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq (GGL). We have been in business since 1991, and in that time, we have recovered more than $1 billion for our clients. Contact us today to set up a free consultation and find a lawyer who will fight for you like family.

Types of New Brunswick Personal Injury Claims We Handle

As our firm is committed to seeking justice for injured people, we proudly represent clients facing many different injury types caused by the following circumstances:

  • Car accidents
  • Rideshare accidents
  • Claims of sexual abuse by clergy members
  • Product liability
  • Construction accidents
  • Dog bites and other animal attacks
  • Sexual abuse/sexual assault
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Injuries due to negligent security
  • Truck accidents
  • Nursing home abuse and neglect
  • Public transportation accident
  • Premises liability cases
  • Wrongful deaths

Even if you have suffered an injury not on the list above, do not hesitate to reach out to us; we will do our best to accommodate you! Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq also represent clients who have filed worker’s compensation claims or who have been victims of medical malpractice; however, because these claims have unique complexities, we consider the two to be separate practice areas.

In addition, it is important to note that while we represent people suffering from a variety of different injuries, those injuries must have caused some form of damage (be they physical, monetary, emotional, etc.) in order for us to take on a case. When you set up a free consultation with us, our attorneys can review your case and advise you whether our firm can take you on as a client.

Personal Injury Cases in New Brunswick

If you have never been involved in a personal injury case before, you might have some uncertainty about how the legal process works. To an outsider, it may simply appear as though you talk to a lawyer and then receive a payout, but personal injury cases are more complex than that.

With that said, here is a rundown of the general sequence of events regarding a typical personal injury case:

1. The Injured Person Talks to a Personal Injury Attorney

Generally, if an injured person is thinking about filing a personal injury claim, their first step is to set up a consultation with a personal injury law office (or multiple offices), during which an attorney will closely go over the facts of the individual’s case. They also can view any case-related documents if available.

The consultation does not solely consist of a case review, though: It is also a learning experience. Both the injured individual and the attorney are able to familiarize themselves with one another, and in doing so, the two will already have an idea of whether they would like to work together if the attorney thinks the case is viable.

2. The Attorney Decides Whether to Take the Case

In reviewing a potential client’s circumstances, the attorney has a chance to determine whether they think their case is winnable.

If the attorney decides to take the case (and the client agrees to work with them), the attorney should first take some time to explain the legal process. Clients will usually be given a contract or fee agreement through which they agree to pay the lawyer a certain percentage of any funds they recover.

Should you find yourself rejected by one personal injury attorney, do not let that stop you from seeking out other opinions. Different firms have different outlooks and areas of specialty, so a different firm might just take your case!

3. Both Sides Attempt to Negotiate a Settlement

When a personal injury lawyer takes on a case, they will not start by immediately filing a lawsuit. Instead, they will start by filing a personal injury claim against the responsible person’s insurance, then proceed to negotiate with the insurance company’s lawyers in an attempt to reach a settlement, an amount of money both parties think is fair.

Most of the time, both personal injury attorneys and insurance companies prefer to settle out of court, primarily because lawsuits are drawn out, expensive, and hard to determine the outcomes of. However, if an attorney is confident they will win the case at hand and they see that the insurance company’s legal team is not offering a reasonable settlement, they might choose to go to trial.

4. If No Settlement Is Reached, the Case Goes to Trial

If a case proceeds to trial, both sides will present evidence. The personal injury lawyer will attempt to prove that the other party was negligent and that their client’s injuries have had a substantial impact on their life, while the insurance company’s legal team will try to downplay the claim and argue that the injured client does not deserve compensation. They also may argue that the defendant did not act in a negligent way.

The proceedings might sound like those of a typical criminal trial, but trials over personal injury lawsuits are civil trials, which means if the defendant is deemed liable, they are not sent to prison; they must instead pay the injured person a specified amount in damages.

5. After Receiving a Settlement, the Lawyer Helps With the Next Steps

Receiving a settlement that is fair and reasonable is the best possible outcome in any personal injury case, but even though it might seem like all a client needs to do afterward is take the money and move on with their life, things are typically a bit more complicated than that.

Their legal team will receive a certain percentage as outlined in the initial contract, and there are often tax implications involved when receiving such a notable payout. The injured person’s lawyer can help navigate the necessary paperwork to ensure compliance with applicable tax laws.

No Fee Unless

GGL Wins

Common Types of Injuries People Suffer in New Brunswick

Any type of injury — provided it has a significant enough impact on the victim’s life — can lead to a personal injury claim, but some injury types tend to lead to more claims than others. Some of the most common are as follows.

If a negligent driver causes an accident and injures another driver or passenger, the injured person(s) may try to recover damages.

In premises liability (such as “slip and fall”) cases, a person is injured due to a property owner’s failure to maintain safe conditions or to warn others of unsafe conditions.

For example, if you fall through a neighbor’s deck because the wood has rotted, you might be able to file a personal injury claim (though, in most cases, you would have to have been an invited guest for your claim to be valid).

If you are injured because of a defective or dangerous product, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the manufacturer.

If you are severely injured by someone else’s dog or other pet, a personal injury claim may be able to help cover your medical costs.

What to Do After a Personal Injury Accident

Naturally, people do not start their days with the expectation that they will be in a catastrophic accident, but it is always wise to be prepared. Of course, depending on the severity of your injury, you might not be able to do anything, but if you are able, taking certain steps might increase your chances of having a successful personal injury claim.

With that said, here are some of the most important things to do after a severe personal injury:

1. Get Somewhere Safe

Most people go into shock immediately following an accident. It can be hard to pay attention to your surroundings, let alone determine whether you are still in any danger, but take a deep breath and look around you. If you are still in harm’s way, get as close to safety as possible.

2. Do Your Best to Assess Your Medical Condition

Once you are out of the way of any immediate dangers, do a quick body scan to assess your injuries. Here are a few things to ask yourself:

  • Can you stand up?
  • Can you move your arms and legs?
  • Can you wiggle your fingers and toes?
  • Is your vision blurry at all?
  • Do you notice any pain, and if so, where?
  • Do you see any blood? Where is it coming from?

You will need a medical professional to properly find and diagnose any injuries you have, of course, but having a general understanding of them yourself can give you an idea of how badly hurt you might be.

3. Call 911

If it does not seem like your injuries are all that serious at the moment, you might be tempted to forgo calling 911, but we highly advise against it! When you go into shock, your body releases large amounts of adrenaline, which makes it harder for you to feel pain. The reality of the situation is that it is likely you are more badly injured than you think.

In addition, if you do end up needing to file a personal injury claim, you will need a police report of the accident, and when you call 911, you can ask for police and medical personnel.

4. Document as Much as You Can

If you still have your phone on you, it may be helpful to take a few photos of the accident scene.

Collecting the following pieces of key information will also make it easier to obtain a copy of the accident report, which a lawyer will need to put together a strong personal injury claim:

  • The incident number on the police report for the accident
  • The names and badge numbers of responding officers
  • The address and phone number of the police station where you can ask follow-up questions if needed

If you file a claim, witness statements can also be very helpful. As such, write down the names and contact information of anyone who has seen your accident so your legal team can reach out to them later.

5. Write a Narrative

Accidents are traumatic enough that it can seem like you will remember them forever, but in actuality, it is very easy for details to get murkier over time. Additionally, many personal injury claims go on for years, and to increase your chances of a favorable outcome, you will need to make sure you are consistent in your accounts of the accident.

With that said, as soon as you are able, take a moment and write out a detailed account of the accident. Include even seemingly tiny details, as they can make a big difference later on.

6. Keep an Injury Log

Most successful personal injury claims are successful because the injured person’s legal team was able to prove that the injury had a substantial negative impact on their lives.

To ensure that you can present a detailed and accurate account of how your injury has affected (and continues to affect) your life, start keeping a journal that mentions your daily pain level, symptoms, and any limitations. Make sure you keep track of all medical bills as well.

How Much Is My Case Worth?

Every so often, a personal injury lawsuit with an incredible payout hits the news, causing some viewers to mistakenly think that all personal injury claims result in multimillion-dollar awards.

While it is true that some settlements can get very high, not all of them do, and unfortunately, without knowing the particulars of your case, it is impossible for a law firm to estimate how much it may be worth.

Still, it might be helpful to know that there are a few factors that typically influence the total value of your settlement, such as:

  • The types of injuries you suffered
  • The severity of those injuries
  • The impact those injuries have had on your life

If you set up a free consultation with GGL, our New Brunswick personal injury lawyers will be able to review your case and give you an idea of what it might be worth.

How Much Does a New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

It is a commonly held belief that lawyers require you to pay substantial fees upfront, and in some practice areas, which is true, but just about all personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means that you pay absolutely nothing upfront. Only if they win your case is your lawyer entitled to a percentage of the funds you receive; if you do not receive a settlement, you do not have to pay anything.

It is important to note here that lawyers who work on contingency are generally very picky about the clients they take on, as working on contingency means that a firm pours time, money, and effort into a case with no guarantee of payment. To minimize the risk of walking away with nothing, these lawyers will generally only select cases that they are confident they will win.

Before starting a working relationship with you, a lawyer will ask you to sign a contract. The contract outlines the terms of working with them, which will include the maximum contingency fee the lawyer can take from your winnings.

Contingency fees are capped by New Jersey law. These are the percentages your lawyer may take if you win the case:

  • If you are awarded $750,000 or less: 33.33% of the recovered amount
  • If you are awarded more than $750,000 but no more than $1,500,000: 33.33% of the first $750,000 plus 30% of the rest
  • If you are awarded more than $1,500,000 but no more than $2,250,000: 33.33% of the first $750,000, 30% of the next $750,000, and 25% of the rest
  • If you are awarded more than $2,250,000 but no more than $3,000,000: 33.33% of the first $750,000, 30% of the next $750,000, 25% of the following $750,000, and 20% on the next $750,000

If you are awarded any more, special terms apply when it comes to setting a fee for the remainder.

In any case, some people might see those numbers and hesitate, thinking they can save themselves the attorney’s fees and represent themselves, but that is not a good idea, mainly because insurance companies have excellent legal representation. Having a fighting chance against them means you should have quality representation, too.

In other words, if you choose to represent yourself throughout a personal injury claim, you will not owe an attorney fee — but you likely will not be awarded a settlement, either.

Why Hire GGL?

It can be easy to take your well-being for granted, and when that happens, a severe injury can leave you utterly blindsided. You may find yourself drowning in medical bills, struggling to make ends meet, and dealing with considerable pain.

Fortunately, with the help of a personal injury attorney, you may be able to get the compensation you need to get your life back. Contact the experienced New Brunswick personal injury lawyers at Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq for a free consultation. Reach out to us online or give us a call at 1-800-923-3456 today.


No Fee Unless

GGL Wins

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We are available 24/7/365


Personal Injury Lawyer in New Brunswick, NJ

Address: 235 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732) 249-1300

Open 24/7 365

8:30-6:00 Monday
8:30-6:00 Tuesday
8:30-6:00 Wednesday
8:30-6:00 Thursday
8:30-6:00 Friday

Recent GGL Wins

Medical Malpractice

A 30-year-old pregnant woman went into labor. The doctor failed to take proper steps in the baby’s delivery, making the mother wait in the hallway for ten hours while the baby’s heart rate began to drop. The baby was delivered via C-Section; he was blue from lack of oxygen resulting in Cerebral Palsy.

$14 Million


Construction Accident

Mediation award resulting from an industrial explosion causing disfiguring burns and severe orthopedic injuries.

$7,8 Million


Auto Accident

31-year-old man who was cut off by another car causing his car to flip over. He sustained head injuries, facial injuries, and half of his pinky finger was amputated.

$3 Million
